Damrus Well, for one thing, have you tried those patches as .cfg, instead of .txt? .txt wont work
Also, in the Agroponics patch (which is spelled wrong, btw), you have `@ModULE`
MM is pretty particular about capitalization... you want to go all caps with that...
On the second, you have an undefined `RESOURCE` @ the top... delete that
You also have uncommented text @ the very end... all comments (every line) need to be commented out with `//`
After making those changes, I would look thru your MM log file, in your main /Logs folder, and it should tell you what patches get applied/not applied, with some details if not
Also, mixing two different life support mods is frowned upon, as its redundant, and they tend to conflict with each other. Any of the USI/MKS stuff doesnt lie to play well with other mods